
Star Health and Allied Insurance - Medi Classic Policy (2009-10)

Medi Classic Policy (2009-10)

Medi Classic Insurance from Star Health is a policy that aims to provide reimbursement of hospitalization expenses incurred as a result of illness/disease/sickness and/or accidental injuries.

Policy Benefits

  • Hospitalization Cover: In-patient hospitalization expenses for a minimum of 24 hours. Includes room rent and boarding @2% of sum insured, subject to a maximum of Rs.4000/- per day.
  • Nursing expenses.
  • Surgeon's fees, Consultant's fees, Anaesthetists’ and Specialist's fees.
  • Cost of medicines and drugs.
  • Emergency ambulance charges for transporting the insured patient to the hospital up to a sum of Rs 750/- per hospitalization and overall limit of Rs 1500/- per policy period.

Pre-Hospitalization & Post-Hospitalization

  • Pre-hospitalization medical expenses up to 30 days prior to date of admission.
  • Post-hospitalization - a lump-sum calculated at 7% of the hospitalization (excluding room charges) subject to a maximum of Rs.5000 is payable
  • Non-allopathic Treatments up to Rs.25000/- per occurence, subject to a maximum of 25% of sum insured per policy period.

Non-Allopathic Treatments

Non-allopathic Treatments up to Rs.25000/- per occurrence, subject to a maximum of 25% of sum insured per policy period.

No-Claim Discount

Discount ranging from 5%-25% for every claim-free year (except for the Family Package Plan)

How much to pay (for individuals)

Sum Insured (in Rs.) 5 Months - 35 Yrs 36 - 45 Yrs 46 - 55 Yrs 56 - 65 Yrs 66 - 70 Yrs 71 - 75 Yrs 76 - 80 Yrs
50000/- 575/- 700/- 1320/- NA NA NA NA
100000/- 1200/- 1350/- 2447/- 3000/- 4547/- 4872/- 6029/-
150000/- 1800/- 2000/- 3400/- 4200/- 6717/- 7284/- 9284/-
200000/- 2350/- 2600/- 4583/- 5300/- 8768/- 9574/- 12420/-
250000/- 2800/- 3150/- 5548/- 7200/- 10696/- 11744/- 15433/-
300000/- 3300/- 3650/- 6170/- 8200/- 12625/- 13914/- 18449/-
350000/- 3750/- 4150/- 7408/- 10196/- 14434/- 15964/- 21341/-
400000/- 4200/- 4500/- 8700/- 11451/- 16242/- 18015/- 24236/-
500000/- 4900/- 5400/- 10700/- 13958/- 19859/- 22113/- 30023/-
10,00,000/-* 7465/- 7965/- 13265/- 16525/- NA NA NA
Service Tax Extra

*Entry age upto 45 Years. Renewal upto 65 Years.

Rating for Family Package

(Available for persons below 45 Years. The Sum insured is apportioned equally among insured family members)

Family MembersSum Insured
Rs. 200000/-
Sum Insured
Rs. 300000/-
2 Adults 2348/- 3400/-
2 Adults + 1Child 2238/- 3825/-
2 Adults + 2 Children 2320/- 4080/-
1 Adult + 1 Child 2168/- 3230/-
1 Adult + 2 Child 2206/- 3280/-

For Groups

Group Size % of discount on Premium (Excluding add-on covers & service tax)
Up to 500 Persons NIL
501-1000 2.5%
1001-3000 5.0%
3001-7000 7.5%
7001-10000 10%
> 10000 12%

Optional benefits on payment of additional premium

  • Hospital Cash: Provides for payment of Rs.500 for each completed day of hospitalization. Premium ranging from Rs.200 to Rs. 350 per person, depending upon the age.
  • Patient Care: Available for persons above 65 years. It pays for the attendant charges after discharge from the hospital @ Rs 400 per day to a maximum of 5 days per hospitalization. Premium Rs 300 per person.
  • New Born Baby cover: Available with Family package plan and provides for your new-born from birth up to the expiry of the policy period. The sum insured is restricted to 10% of the sum insured in respect of the mother. Premium 10% of policy premium.


  • Any persons aged between 5 months and 80 years, residing in India, can take this insurance.

Tax Benefits

Premium paid by cheque or credit card for this insurance is eligible for relief under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act.



  • Expenses for the treatment of any illness/disease/condition, which is pre-existing
  • Treatment of illness/disease/sickness contracted by the insured person during the first 30 days from the commencement date of this policy
  • First Two Years Exclusions: Cataract, Hysterectomy for Menorrhagia or Fibromyoma, Replacement surgery for knee and/or joint(other than caused by an accident), Prolapse of inter-vertebral disc (other than caused by accident), Varicose Veins and Varicose Ulcers
  • First Year Exclusions: Benign Prostate Hypertrophy, Hernia, Hydrocele, Fistula in anus, Piles, Sinusitis and related disorders, Congenital internal disease/defect, removal of gallstones and renal stone
  • Naturopathy treatment
  • Expenses which are purely diagnostic in nature with no positive existence of any disease
  • Treatment of congenital external disease/defects/anomalies
  • Expenses which are mainly cosmetic in nature.











