
Dos and Don'ts

Dos and Don'ts

What Steroid based Fairness Cream can result in?

The next time you venture out for cosmetic shopping, spend the time to read the contents of the cream. A steroid based fairness cream can cause severe damage and even scar your face for the rest of your life. Other damages include:

  • Thinning of skin causing bruises on your face
  • Capillaries become prominently visible
  • Severe acne
  • Hypersensitivity to sun
  • Skin allergy
  • Creams with hydroquinone have bleaching properties that can leave white patches and make your skin sun sensitive.

To understand if fairness creams really work, especially on men, you need to look into a few aspects.

Does Fairness Cream work?

A decade ago if the question 'Are men concerned about their complexion?' was asked and the answer would be a quick "No." Today an alarming gauge reveals how men look out for these fairness cosmetics equally with women. These fairness creams only enhance your skin making them radiant, but do not change the complexion. If care is not taken to read the contents of the cream it could have harsh effects on your skin. The do’s and don’ts are:

  • All fairness or whitening creams show results only if the pigment or tanning is in the upper layer of the epidermis. If the pigment is deeper, the product cannot help or make any changes to your natural dark color.
  • Always use a sunscreen lotion to avoid tanning and harsh UV rays damaging your skin.
  • Use fairness cream preferably aloe based. It works well for inflammation and tanned skin for Asian weather.
Use Fairness Cream Preferably Aloe based, As it Can Prevent Your Skin from Tanning
  • Avoid excessive bleaching; bleach gives temporary fairness only, which lasts for 10-15 days maximum. Comprising of Ammonia and hydrochloric acid primarily these ingredients can cause both minor and severe burn if precaution is not taken. It could certainly result in blackening of your skin which could take a lot of time and medication to heal.

You need to know!

  • Manufacturers by law are not obligated to mention all the ingredients used in the product label so even you're highly priced lightening cream can comprise of some harmful chemicals beyond permissible ratio.
  • The taboo of ‘white skin is better than dark skin’ still exists in the society. What you do not know is dark skin is less vulnerable to skin diseases. More melanin in dark skin helps protect against the sun.
  • It’s a myth that ayurvedic creams do not have chemicals. It is not possible to have the texture and consistency without the use of the chemicals that serve as preservatives for longer shelf life. Only paste or creams prepared at home can be guaranteed as chemical free.

Some of the plant-based skin lighteners too can cause allergy. A patch test is recommended to be sure.











