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Fart Walk: The Fun Way to Boost Digestion

Medically Reviewed by The Medindia Medical Review Team on Jul 12, 2024


You've probably heard of brisk walking or jogging, but have you heard of fart walking? The latest fitness TikTok fad is for everyone who suffers from bloating, indigestion, gas, heartburn, and other digestive issues. Mairlyn Smith, a cookbook author based in Toronto, developed the term "fart walk," which is exactly what it sounds like: a post-meal walk to relieve intestinal gas and aid digestion. A simple walk around your garden or balcony after a high-fiber meal can be quite beneficial to your health, according to Smith.

In a TikTok video, the author explained that she and her husband go for a fart stroll every night 60 minutes after dinner. "Now, why are we doing this? Well, we eat a lot of fiber, so we have gas- everyone does- and, yes, you fart when walking. So that's why I called it that."

Are you wondering if it works? According to various studies and experts, a post-meal walk aids in the digestion of meals and the absorption of nutrients(1). Simply put, it is a small exercise for your GI tract.

Fart Walking Helps Digestion

Improved Intestinal Motility:

Walking aids in the effective passage of food through the gastrointestinal tract. Fart walks are also thought to speed up gastric emptying, which is the process of transferring food from the stomach to the small intestine. This increased motility can help prevent constipation and ensure food moves through your system more smoothly.

Enhanced Blood Sugar Levels:

According to the American Diabetes Association, taking 30-minute walks every day can assist people with type 2 diabetes or insulin resistance control their blood sugar levels(2). Post-meal walks can help muscles use glucose more effectively, reducing the overall spike in blood sugar after eating. This not only helps with managing diabetes but also supports overall metabolic health(3).

Reduction in Bloating:

Gas accumulation is a primary cause of bloating, and a fart walk can assist in relieving any trapped gas. Walking increases internal pressure in the stomach, aiding in the release of gas(4). This gentle activity can help alleviate the discomfort associated with bloating, making you feel lighter and more comfortable.

Health Benefits of Post-Meal Walks

Improved Heart Health:

Engaging in regular post-meal walks can contribute to better cardiovascular health. Walking helps to lower blood pressure, reduce cholesterol levels, and improve circulation(5). By incorporating fart walks into your routine, you not only aid digestion but also take a proactive step towards a healthier heart.

Enhanced Mental Clarity:

Physical activity, including walking, has been shown to boost mood and mental clarity(6). The release of endorphins during exercise can help reduce stress and anxiety, making you feel more relaxed and focused. A post-meal walk can be a great way to clear your mind and prepare for the rest of your day or evening.

Weight Management:

Regular walking is a simple yet effective weight management method(7). By incorporating fart walks into your daily routine, you can increase your daily calorie expenditure, helping to maintain a healthy weight. This can be especially beneficial if you are trying to lose weight or prevent weight gain.

Better Sleep:

Light physical activity such as walking can also improve sleep quality. A post-meal walk can help regulate circadian rhythms and promote relaxation, leading to better restful sleep. For those who struggle with insomnia or irregular sleep patterns, this can be a natural and effective remedy.

Tips for Your Post-Meal Walks

Start Walking Around 40-60 Minutes After Eating:

This timing allows your body to begin the digestion process without causing discomfort from too much movement too soon.

Take Things Slowly and Easily:

Walking too rapidly can create discomfort and negate some digestive benefits. A leisurely pace is sufficient to reap the rewards.

Hydrate Well:

Drink plenty of water after the stroll to rehydrate yourself. Proper hydration is essential for overall health and aids in digestion.

Walk for 20 to 30 Minutes:

To get the best outcomes, aim for at least 20 to 30 minutes of walking. This duration promotes digestion and other health benefits without being too strenuous.

The fart walk might sound humorous, but its benefits are genuinely noteworthy. This simple practice can significantly enhance digestive health and improve blood sugar levels and overall well-being. By incorporating regular post-meal walks into your daily routine, you can enjoy a healthier, more comfortable life with fewer digestive issues. So next time you finish a meal, consider taking a leisurely fart walk and experience the positive changes it can bring to your health.


  1. Walking just after a meal seems to be more effective for weight loss than waiting for one hour to walk after a meal - (
  2. Exercise and type 2 diabetes: the American College of Sports Medicine and the American Diabetes Association: joint position statement - (
  3. After Dinner Rest a While, After Supper Walk a Mile? A Systematic Review with Meta-analysis on the Acute Postprandial Glycemic Response to Exercise Before and After Meal Ingestion in Healthy Subjects and Patients with Impaired Glucose Tolerance - (
  4. The effect of a short-term physical activity after meals on gastrointestinal symptoms in individuals with functional abdominal bloating: a randomized clinical trial - (
  5. Walking for hypertension - (
  6. Role of Physical Activity on Mental Health and Well-Being: A Review - (
  7. Walking for health and fitness - (

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