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Health Benefits of Palm Oil

Article Reviewed by Dietitian julia samuel, M.Phil on Sep 14, 2021

What is Palm Oil?

"One of the signs of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important." - Bertrand Russell

Palm oil is a vegetable oil extracted from different varieties of oil palm trees. It is known by various names as African palm oil, American palm oil, palm fruit oil, palm kernel oil and red palm oil depending upon the type, fruit part or method of extraction Palm oil is becoming increasingly popular among population, topping the list among its contemporary vegetable oils. Research confirms it to be effective in reducing risk of cardiovascular diseases and many cancers.

Palm oil is reddish orange colored attributing to its high carotene content. Red palm oil has been used since ancient times in Africa as a health tonic and today recent researches have proven its benefits for health. It is often compared with coconut oil in terms of health benefits and usability. Some people find its flavor very distinct and hence unfavorable for food preparations.

Palm Oil Nutritional Facts

Palm oil is loaded with nutrients and is one of the few vegetable oils which are naturally saturated. It is balanced in fatty acid composition with 50% saturated fatty acids, 40% unsaturated and 10% of polysaturated fatty acids. It has abundant vitamins like Vitamin A and E and phytonutrients like sterols, phenolic acids antioxidants like flavonoids. It contains different carotenes as lycopene and alpha, beta, gamma carotenes. Palm oil is also rich in a superior form of vitamin E tocotrienols which are effective against various chronic diseases. Such a blend of nutrients puts this oil in the category of super foods essentially promoting health.

Health Benefits of Palm Oil

Palm oil is extracted from either the pulp or the seed of the fruit. The fruit pulp oil is edible and can be used in cooking while palm kernel oil is a key ingredient in cosmetic products and soaps. Edible red palm oil is highly nutritious and reduces risk of various chronic diseases. Some of them are:

Usage and Production

Red palm oil industry has grown in past years due to increased usage compelling the need for sustainable oil palm plantation. Palm oil processing leads to its oxidation resulting in the oil becoming less effective and harmful for the body. Organic palm oil is a preferred choice, when compared to hydrogenated and processed palm oil, which must be avoided.

Palm Oil Recipe

Beans and Bananas Sabzi




  1. Effects of palm oil on cardiovascular risk - (
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    �Kriti Jain. 2021. Health Benefits of Palm Oil - Usage, Production, Recipes. Medindia, viewed Jun 29, 2024,

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