
Health Benefits of Rose Apple


Rose Apple is a South East Asian fruit indigenous to Malaysia, Indonesia and the Indian subcontinent. It is known by various other names as water apple, Jamaican apple, wax jambu and bell fruit. It is a bell shaped fruit that might be red, yellow or green in color. It shows resemblance to guava and not rose or apple as the name suggests. Ripened rose apple is crisp from outside with sweet and slightly bitter flavor. It has its distinct flavor, fragrance and texture different from guava or apple.

Rose apple tree is of average height which grows in heavy rainfall regions. It is considered as an ornamental tree and its wood is used for making tools. The tree also exhibits amazing benefits to numerous health conditions. Rose apple can be eaten raw like an apple or can be used in various food preparations like jams and jellies and exotic desserts.

Health Benefits of Rose Apple

Nutritional Facts of Rose Apple

Rose apple is highly rich in nutrients like protein, fiber, calcium, iron, vitamin A and vitamin C. Its bark contains an alkaloid compound Jambosine, which has therapeutic properties against diabetes. Organic compounds like betulinic acid and friedelolactone are also present in it. Rose apples contain negligible cholesterol and sodium that make them even healthier.


Rose apples benefit health in numerous ways. From being preventive against diabetes to increasing immunity and treating digestive problems and infections it does it all. Its multitude of health benefits makes it a wholesome and healthy fruit. Here are some of the health benefits of rose apple:

  • Help digestion: Rose apple is abundant in dietary fiber content preventing constipation and bloating. It maintains proper gut health keeping serious conditions at bay. Seeds of rose apple are also beneficial to treat diarrhea. Dietary fibers present in rose apple help to control obesity and maintain body weight.
  • Manage diabetes: An organic compound Jambosine, found in rose apple, is found to be very effective against diabetes. It is an alkaloid that regulates the conversion of starch into sugar controlling the sugar levels in the body and helping the people with reduced pancreatic activity as in the case of diabetes. Further a low glycemic index of rose apple aids in lowering the sugar levels making it beneficial for diabetics.
Rose Apple is Good for Diabetic Patients
  • Cleanse liver and kidney: Rose apples are found to have diuretic properties. Its decoction and juice are useful for clearing liver and kidneys from toxic substances. It removes the toxic substances from the body maintaining overall health and improving organ functioning.
  • Boost immunity: Rose apple is a good immune booster attributing to a large amount of vitamins and minerals present in it. Vitamin C protects against microbial infections and vitamin A increases body immunity effectively. Other essential nutrients like iron and calcium keep body strong and healthy protecting against various infectious diseases.
  • Healthy skin: Vitamin C being an antioxidant keeps cells healthy by protecting cells and tissues from oxidative damages. Rose apple also protect against bacterial and fungal infections maintaining a healthy and beautiful skin. It makes gums and teeth strong and also maintains good eye health.
Rose Apple Helps to Maintain Healthy Skin
  • Maintain cardiovascular health: Rose apples are high on nutrient profile. Its rich nutrient blend and plentiful dietary fiber content helps to maintain cardiovascular health. Antioxidants and high potassium levels regulate the cholesterol levels preventing the risk of many life-threatening conditions such as heart attack, stroke and other cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). It prevents deposition of cholesterol on arterial walls protecting against atherosclerosis which is the prime reason for coronary heart disease and stroke.
  • Prevent cancer: Attributing to the vitamin content in rose apple, researchers confirm its potential in protection against different cancers. Vitamin A and C are effective against the development of tumors and cancer cells. Thus adding rose apple to your daily diet effectively reduces the risk of cancer.
Rose Apple Prevents Cancer

Other Benefits

  • Rose apple is good for pregnant women as it fulfills iron and vitamin deficiency in the body.
  • Its seed and leaves are used for treating asthma and fever.
  • Rose apples improve brain health and increase cognitive abilities.
  • They are also effective against epilepsy, smallpox and inflammation in joints.

Be Cautious Before You Consume

Some varieties of rose apple may be hazardous to health as they may contain trace amounts of cyanide in them. One must avoid eating seeds and leaves in excess as they may prove harmful after an extent. Over consumption of rose apple may also result in itchy throat and coughing. So eat only the right amount of it so as to prevent its negative effects.



Rose Apple and Shrimp Salad


  • 5 rose apples, sliced
  • 1 tbsp dried shrimp, chopped
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • 1 tsp chili paste
  • Black pepper to sprinkle


  • Mix sliced rose apple to chopped shrimp.
  • Add lemon juice and chili paste.
  • Mix well.
  • Sprinkle freshly ground black pepper.
  • Serve.

Vegetables like capsicum and bell peppers can also be added to the salad.

Latest Publications and Research on Health Benefits of Rose Apple











