
Juices for Disease Prevention and Cure

Juices for Disease Prevention and Cure

Fresh lemon and vegetable juices (green juice, carrot juice, amla juice) help in removing the metabolic wastes by changing the blood pH from acid to alkaline.

Below are a few options to try out in order to keep diseases at bay.


Constipation is a digestive problem that makes it difficult to have a regular bowel movement.

Carrot–beetroot–cucumber juice is recommended for such a problem. Drinking beetroot juice regularly helps relieve constipation. Beetroot and carrot juice when combined are excellent in curing gout, kidney and gall bladder problems. Carrots are rich in insoluble fiber. Cucumber is also a dependable laxative food. It supplies bulk to aid bowel action.

Carrot-Beetroot-Pomegranate Juice Help Fight Stress during Menopause


Menopause is the period in a woman’s life when her ovaries stop producing eggs. Menstruation becomes less frequent eventually stopping altogether. Carrot–beetroot–pomegranate juice is beneficial to consume in this phase. All three foods are high in antioxidants and help fight the stress caused by this condition. Pomegranate improves bone mineral density and has various other benefits.

Blood Pressure

A blood pressure of 140/90mm Hg or above is considered high. Carrot juice with garlic is recommended for high BP. Eating garlic lowers blood pressure and cholesterol, thereby, reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. The compounds called allicin and hydrogen sulfide in garlic are responsible for relaxing blood vessels, thereby, improving blood flow in the arteries.



Diabetes is a condition characterized by high blood sugar levels. Eating the right foods and exercising are the key to its management.

Juices made out of carrots, Brussel sprouts and beans (string beans or French beans) could be helpful for diabetics. The pods of beans have diuretic properties. They stimulate urine flow and help flush out toxins from the body. Brussel sprouts are also very rich in soluble fiber and vitamin C.

Also, it is a well-established fact that anything bitter helps keep sugar levels under check. Juice of neem and bitter gourd are said to be the best medicine for diabetes. Aloe vera juice, due to its high fiber and antioxidant content, and amla juice due to its high vitamin C content also has protective effects against obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.



Obesity is the mother and originator of most diseases. One has to protect oneself from this condition in order to stay healthy.

A juice prepared with carrots, cabbage and green vegetables is effective. Green vegetables are rich in fiber and help flush out acidic wastes. At the same time, cabbage juice impedes the conversion of carbohydrates to fats and hence is beneficial in controlling obesity. Carrots are loaded with carotenoids (antioxidants) and contain lots of fiber too.

Warm water taken with honey and lime early in the morning and aloe vera juice have been proven to benefit overweight individuals from the Ayurvedic perspective. The water of soaked overnight fenugreek seeds is one of the best remedies for diabetes and high cholesterol.

Ginger juice is great in lowering cholesterol and fat levels. Ginger or ginger juice consumed prior to meals keeps digestion sound. It helps get rid of flatulence and acidity.

Ginger Juice is Great in Lowering Cholesterol and Fat Levels

Cold, Fever and Flu

Vegetables juices due to their high micronutrient and antioxidant content help build immunity levels.

Carrot juice mixed with oranges, lemon and garlic could be the magic formula. Carrots are loaded with the carotenoids whereas oranges and lemon are abundant in vitamin C. Garlic is well known for its antibiotic properties.


Acne and Pimples

Neem juice is said to be the best detoxifier for the body. Neem has antibacterial properties too. It is said that if neem juice is consumed on regular basis, the skin stays flawless and all diseases can be kept at bay.

Juice of lemon with a cup of warm water taken in the morning on an empty stomach is also very useful to keep skin problems away.

Fresh lemon and vegetable juices (green juice, carrot juice, amla juice) help in removing the metabolic wastes by changing the blood pH from acid to alkaline. Although lemon, oranges, amla are sour to taste, they leave an alkaline ash in the body as an end product and takes the body pH towards alkalinity.











