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How to Meditate if You Are a Beginner

Medically Reviewed by dr. reeja tharu, M.Phil.,Ph.D on Jun 14, 2018

How to Meditate if You Are a Beginner

Ambience, attitude and posture top the list of pre-requisites to meditation for a beginner.

You don't need to be a full- time monk to know how to meditate properly. Come to think of it, even the monks had to learn the meditation technique. If you are a beginner, just keep it in mind that meditation is a way to calm your mind and de-stress yourself. So, let go and relax! Don't stress yourself by wondering if you are doing it right or whether your posture for meditation is right or if you are taking too long to learn the meditation technique.

There are certain pre-requisites to meditation that you should be aware of if you are a beginner.

There is no hard and fast rule on how to meditate. And if you are a beginner, you can start meditating with the following steps:

Close your eyes, be relaxed, and tune in to your feelings devoid of thoughts. Inhale the peace and good energy and exhale the tension. Tranquility and peace will soon set in.


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