Overeating Equals To Overcheating

Overeating Equals To Overcheating - Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Who is a Compulsive eater?

Compulsive eating is a disorder in which a person does not have a control over his eating habits. Such a person eats even when he is not hungry and does not realize when to stop eating. High-calorie and unhealthy foods are consumed frequently. Such an act further leads to weight gain.

2. Is overeating an addiction?

Just like drug or alcohol addiction, overeating can also be a form of addictive behavior. Research has found similarities between the behavior of those who abuse drugs or alcohol and those who overeat. This has led to a suggestion that overeating should be treated as a form of 'food addiction'. The similarity between drug addiction and overeating is an imbalance in certain neural pathways that mediate motivation to take drugs or to eat certain foods. Eating is a pleasurable activity that triggers release of dopamine (a chemical messenger) into the mid-brain. Such a release of dopamine signals that an activity like eating is worth repeating. Furthermore, overeating can impair this system to the point that it can dominate an individual's behavior.

3. Can one stop overeating disorder?

Yes, overeating disorder can be stopped. Self control, food and nutritional counseling and support from family and friends can help one to overcome binge eating disorder. One needs to understand the health benefits and importance of food.

4. How long does it take for food to digest?

A meal is a mixture of physically and chemically diverse materials. Different foods take different amount of time to get digested. On an average 50% of stomach contents are emptied within 2.5-3 hours and total emptying takes 4-5 hours. From stomach and small intestine, food then enters into the colon (large intestine) where it is digested, absorbed and the undigested food is eliminated.

5. How do I control my appetite?
  • Eat your breakfast daily
  • Make sure you don’t starve yourself for more than 4 hours.
  • Eat fiber-rich foods such as fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains and nuts as they make you feel full.
  • Do not overdo on foods high in sugar, fat and salt
  • Stay hydrated











