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Top 10 Ways to Clear Acne

Medically Reviewed by The Medindia Medical Review Team on Jul 06, 2018


From hormonal fluctuations to genetic problems, acne can be caused by a number of different factors, and is undoubtedly one of the most dreaded skin conditions, particularly in teens.

While you may find tons of different creams and cosmetic products that claim to help acne disappear within a few weeks, not all of them will work. It's not surprising considering that a problem that has its roots inside the body is being treated by using topical creams. There are several reasons for those frequent acne flare-ups, but here are some simple tips and tricks that may help you reduce the appearance of acne that can embarrass you so much at social gatherings. Read on to know more...

Drink up!

Spiking up your water intake is one of the best natural ways to both prevent and tackle acne. Water, in general, tends to detoxify the body and helps to get rid of all toxins that may have been causing the acne. What's more, researchers have found how increasing water intake could also boost the flow of blood throughout the body and the skin, which thereby promotes overall health, including skin health.

Make sure you get your 7-8 glasses of water a day, or a similar quantity of fluid in different forms such as juices and soups.

Carrot Power

Known for their beta carotene and fiber content, carrots make for a great 'must-add to the diet' for all those suffering from acne outbreaks. Carrots are also rich in vitamin A, which helps keep the outer protective layer of the skin healthy, and reduces the production of sebum, which thereby helps prevent acne eruption.

Best of all, carrots are extremely versatile. You can add them to almost any food preparation.


Accumulation of dirt and grime in the pores of the skin also causes acne and pimples, which is why exfoliation is another skin routine that is necessary, especially if you're someone who stays outdoors for a long time during the day. Using a natural, gentle exfoliant will promote circulation of blood to the skin and maintain its health, and also help remove dead skin cells, dirt and grime that may have clogged the pores.

Turmeric it!

Turmeric is a staple in all Indian food preparations, and is known for its distinct yellow color. Turmeric is a wonderful antibacterial agent as well. Turmeric also contains a compound known as curcumin, which is believed to help reduce inflammation of tissues and redness of acne-prone skin. Adding more of this to your food preparations could help lessen the appearance of aggravated acne.


Exercise isn't just to keep you fit- moderate physical activity is thought to help prevent high blood pressure, obesity and even curb stress, which makes it a great natural remedy for those suffering from stress-related acne. Exercising is also known to improve blood circulation and to aid in detoxification of the body, which is why you should put on your track pants and go out for a quick jog as often as you can.

Sugar issues

From conditions like obesity to high blood glucose, white sugar, which is an inseparable part of our foods today, has been blamed for numerous health conditions, including acne. Sugar is believed to be a huge culprit behind sudden acne flare-ups since it interferes with insulin activity which causes your hormones to go haywire, and cause acne.

Instead of that bar of chocolate, stick to natural sugars like those from fresh fruits.

Get those 40 Winks

Several studies have confirmed that lack of sleep causes an increase in stress levels, which in turn, causes acne outbreaks. The risk of psychological stress is thought to increase by a whopping 14% for every hour of sleep that you lose, which is matter of concern. Make sure you get your 8 hours of beauty sleep everyday to recharge and stay healthy.

Get the SPF

Don't let the cloudy weather fool you- the UV rays of the sun still manage to penetrate through the clouds and create havoc with your skin. The sun also tends to dry out the skin, which could worsen inflammation and aggravate acne and skin lesions. So make sure you slather on the sunscreen every day before you step out into the sun.


One of the best ways to handle acne caused due to accumulation of dirt and pollutants on the skin is to cleanse your face often - not more than twice a day though! From heavy makeup to environmental pollution, many substances get accumulated in the skin pores and become breeding spots for acne; so make sure you use a noncomedogenic cleanser to wash your face thoroughly at least twice a day.

Omega 3 Power

Another great way to tackle acne is to use omega 3 fatty acids to your benefit. These 'good fats' are thought to help control the production of a molecule that increases the production of sebum, which causes inflammatory acne. Adding more foods that contain omega 3 fatty acids such as avocadoes, flax seeds, salmon and walnuts to your diet could help clear acne.

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