What are the benefits of Walking?
A few extra steps a day is enough to keep you fit. With every season comes a new set of health rules and designer diets that promise you Weight loss. Some of these health rules are so rigid that following them turns out to be more of a torture than help. To be honest all those fancy weight loss remedies and expensive gym equipments is a waste, when something as simple as Walking can provide you the same benefit. Walking is not only the most natural form of Exercises but also the most inexpensive and the most accommodating of all exercises.
Walking is the only

Walking gives you healthy lungs and increases blood circulation. It is excellent for high blood pressure patients, as well as for those with heart disease, type 2 diabetes, Osteoporosis and gallstones. Walking boosts the brainpower and promotes better sleep. No wonder Hippocrates said:
"Walking is man's best medicine."
When you reach a certain age it is not advisable to do high intensity exercises like aerobics, cycling or even running on the treadmill, so Walking would be a better option.