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Medically Reviewed by dr. simi paknikar, MD on Aug 21, 2014


Dermatomyostitis (DM) is an uncommon, inflammatory disease affecting connective tissues. It is characterized by symptoms such as skin rashes and muscle weakness.

Dermatomyostitis is closely related to polymyostitis, which is a condition resulting in chronic inflammation of the muscles. DM is also a systemic condition as it affects the joints, lungs, esophagus and, sometimes, the heart. Patients with DM experience periods of remission and during this period almost all the symptoms disappear.

DM affects both children (appears during ages 5-15 years) and adults (appears during late 40s -early 60s). The condition is more common in females than in males.

The exact cause of dermatomyostitis is unknown, but it shows certain characteristics of an autoimmune disorder in which the body recognizes itself as a foreign object and launches a self- attack. The small blood vessels of the muscles are particularly targeted; inflammatory cells surround these vessels, eventually leading to muscle damage.

Signs and symptoms

Signs and symptoms of dermatomyostitis are seen on the skin and in the muscles. They include -

A person with dermatomyostitis is at an increased risk to suffer from any of the following conditions -


Dermatomyostitis is easily recognized because of the skin rashes. However, doctors may order the following tests to confirm the diagnosis of dermatomyostitis -


Dermatomyostitis treatment must focus on improving the functioning of skin and muscles. It must be started at the earliest to bring about maximum effect and lesser complications. The disease has no cure.

A combination of treatment modalities have been employed by doctors to deal with the disease. Corticosteroids, particularly prednisone, has always been the primary mode of treatment. High doses of oral medications may be prescribed initially which may then be reduced, as long- term medications may have side-effects. Supplements such as vitamin-D may be prescribed to combat side effects.

Corticosteroid-sparing agents, intravenous immunoglobulin and other immune suppressive medications may also be prescribed. Skin ointments to be topically applied on the skin may also be prescribed.


  1. Hornung T, Wenzel J. Innate immune-response mechanisms in dermatomyositis an update on pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment. Drugs 2014 Jun;74 (9):981-98. doi: 10.1007/s40265-014-0240-6
  2. Dermatomyositis - (
  3. About Dermatomyositis - (

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