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Diet for Kidney stones

Article Reviewed by Dietitian julia samuel, M.Phil on Nov 23, 2016

Diet for Kidney Stones

Prevention strategies for kidney stones should include - Increasing your daily fluid intake and taking the recommended daily allowance of calcium

Two dietary modifications are recommended for most kidney stone sufferers. Remember that you should consult your doctor when planning to follow any diet.

Fluid Intake

Increase your fluid intake to the point where your urine volume reaches 2.5 litres a day. This may mean drinking up to 3 litres a day, if you live in a hot, dry climate or if you are involved in strenuous physical activity. Increasing urine volume decreases the concentration of minerals in the urine. This makes it less likely that a stone will form.

Calcium intake

Make sure your diet includes the recommended Daily Allowance of calcium. Note that your calcium intake should be greatest at mealtimes. This helps to ensure that ingested minerals such as oxalate bind with calcium during digestion and pass out of the body through the intestines, rather than passing into the bloodstream and then binding with calcium in the kidneys.

Generally those who develop kidney stones once are prone to develop them again.

They say that an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure. For kidney stone patients, that famous ounce of prevention adds up to 2 - 3 litres a day of good drinking water.

Other dietary recommendations may depend on the type of kidney stone you are likely to form. But, pace Henry David Thoreau, "Water is the only drink for a wise kidney stone patient."


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