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Endorphins - Frequently Asked Questions

Medically Reviewed by dr. simi paknikar, MD on Jan 21, 2015

Frequently Asked Questions

1.What is the Active Release Treatment (ART)?

ActiveRelease Treatment (ART) is a treatment method for releasing endorphins and alleviates afflictions in the musculoskeletal system.After carefully studying the patient's condition, chiropractors utilize ahands-on approach to treat soft tissue injuries in the fascia, muscles, tendonsand nerves of the body.

2. How much exerciseis necessary for endorphin release?

The time taken for endorphin toencompass the body during exercising varies according to the individual. Forsome, as little as 10 minutes of intense exercise, for others, as long as 30minutes or more.

3. What are the effects of exercise on the brain?

Exercise is said to treat almosteverything from depression to improve memory, with the power to cure mostproblems and also preventing more. Exercise leads to the release of certainneurotransmitters in the brain that alleviate pain, both physical and mental.Scientists have found that it is also a new way to generate new neurons.

4. What are SimpleEndorphins?

Smiling canrelease endorphins into our bloodstream, so does petting an animal. Endorphinsreleased from these activities may be subtle, however, they couldmean being in a good or bad mood. Being positive keep endorphins flowing.

5. Does food increase endorphins?

Yes, certain foods provide different endorphin-producingeffects. Chocolate, peppers, protein and carbohydrate rich foods are have thecapability to release endorphins.

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