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Eye Lid Problems - Entropion

Medically Reviewed by Dr. Nithin Jayan, MBBS, DNB on Nov 01, 2022


Entropion or turning in of the eyelids can affect either the upper or the lower lid. It can occur due to ageing. It can also occur due to spasm of the orbicularis or fibrosis from infection, inflammation or trauma(8).

Turning in results in scratching of the cornea with the turned in lashes, resulting in irritation, foreign body sensation and redness of the eye.

The eye can be temporarily relieved by epilation or plucking of the lashes by an eye doctor. But the irritation resumes when the hair grows back. Long term irritation can cause corneal wound and ulcers which are difficult to treat.


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  4. Effects of chalazia on corneal astigmatism : Large-sized chalazia in middle upper eyelids compress the cornea and induce the corneal astigmatism. - (
  5. Diagnosis and management of blepharitis: an optometrist's perspective. - (
  6. Stye. - (
  7. Cellulitis�- (
  8. Eyelid malposition: lower lid entropion and ectropion. - (
  9. Ptosis�- (
  10. Pathology of eyelid tumors. - (
  11. Eyelid edema. - (

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