Human Growth Hormone

Human Growth Hormone

Human Growth Hormone (HGH) - A Preview

The new anti-ageing mantra that is being chanted by the people around the world is not a God's or Goddess's name, but the name of a hormone produced by the human body itself. There is no need to look far when help is just a stone’s throw away.

What is Human Growth Hormone?

Growth hormone (GH), commonly known as human growth hormone, is a chemical that regulates the growth of your body. It also aids in the regulation of metabolism, the process by which your body consumes food and energy. The pituitary gland, a tiny structure at the base of the brain, produces GH(1 Trusted Source
Growth Hormone Tests

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Human Growth Hormone

Human Growth Hormone (HGH) - The Fundamental Question

Before we start bombarding you with the latest developments and achievements of this wonder, called "HGH", it is important to introduce it to you first. HGH is the abbreviated form of ‘human growth hormone’ or simply the ‘growth hormone.’

Hormones are chemicals produced in the endocrine glands of the body and transported via the blood to the various target organs. These are known by various names, like chemical messengers, chemical mediators, or first messengers. The hormones are transported to far-flung areas of the body, and their action is multi-disciplinary.

There are various organs that serve as endocrine glands and secrete hormones, such as the pituitary gland, pancreas, thyroid gland, parathyroid gland, adrenal gland, ovary, and testis. Out of these, HGH is secreted by the anterior pituitary gland(2 Trusted Source

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Human Growth Hormone (HGH) - A Rendezvous with HGH

Synonyms: - Somatotropic hormone, growth hormone, human growth hormone.

Secreted by: - The acidophil cells of the anterior pituitary gland(3 Trusted Source
Growth hormone and its disorders

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Chemistry - Proteinaceous in nature, consisting of a single-chain polypeptide of 191 amino acids. Molecular weight of HGH is 21,500(4 Trusted Source
Physiology, Growth Hormone

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Level fluctuation: A normal adult's basal level of HGH concentration in the blood can reach 300 ng/mL, while children's levels can reach 500 ng/mL. Its level goes up in conditions like hypoglycemia, fasting, starvation, exercise, stress, and trauma, while a downslide is experienced in conditions like sleep, increased glucose level, and increased fatty acids in the blood.


Human Growth Hormone (HGH) - Functions

The growth hormone, not so much talked about until recently, performs a plethora of functions.

  1. As the name implies, it is essential for growth. Without growth, no individual can ever cross the infant stage. It has a hand in everything from the proliferation of cells to the more complex metabolic reactions.
  2. It causes the actual increase in the size and number of cells by increasing mitotic division. It also causes specific differentiation of certain types of cells,like those in the bones and muscles. In fact, when it is secreted in excess or insufficient amounts, it manifests as gigantism and dwarfism(4 Trusted Source
    Physiology, Growth Hormone

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  3. The growth hormone is also active in the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates,and fats. To say the least, it is an integral part of the system that maintains the proper growth pattern of the body. Protein metabolism: HGH causes increased amino acid uptake, increased protein synthesis, and decreased oxidation of proteins(4 Trusted Source
    Physiology, Growth Hormone

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  4. Fat metabolism: HGH enhances the utilization of fat and gives your body the ability to break down fat cells more efficiently.
  5. Carbohydrate metabolism: HGH is one of several hormones that maintain blood sugarwithin a normal range.

Side Effects of Growth Hormone Use

Approximately one third of people who use synthetic growth hormone will experience side effects. These may include(5 Trusted Source
Growth hormone

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) -

  • Fluid retention (which leads to swelling in the arms and legs)
  • Joint and muscle pain
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • High blood sugar levels
  • High cholesterol levels.
Side effects of Human Growth Hormone

Human Growth Hormone- Elixir of Youth

When it comes to the much-hyped HGH-elixir of youth, HGH is so sought after because, while it is abundant when one is young, it gradually declines as one grows older. This accounts for the appearance of grey hair, weight gain, loss of memory, brittle nails, wrinkled skin and loss of vitality in older people.

Utilizing the properties of HGH, the new science of cosmetology administers this hormone to the body to replenish it in the system.

The hormone is given to people to make them look and feel much younger than they actually are! Thus, HGH slows biological ageing to some extent.

The FDA has approved HGH therapy in adult patients for the treatment of hypopituitarism and somatotropin deficiency(6 Trusted Source
Growth hormone deficiency in adults with hypopituitarism-What are the risks and can they be eliminated by therapy?

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Today, HGH is available in the form of capsules or injections to restore youthful looks and energy. It has yet to get FDA approval as the elixir of youth.

Some HGH marketers may claim that their HGH products are dietary supplements. HGH was first approved as a new drug by the FDA in 1940, and it had not previously been marketed as a dietary supplement or food. Accordingly, HGH is excluded from the definition of a dietary supplement. Therefore, any product containing HGH cannot be a dietary supplement(7 Trusted Source
Import Alert 66-71

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Human Growth Hormone Injections:

Adults and children who have been diagnosed with growth hormone (GH) deficiency or other diseases causing short height are given growth hormone injection treatment.

GH is administered via subcutaneous (sub-Q-TAIN-ee-us) injection, which means it enters the fatty tissue right under the skin's surface.

Because GH injections are rapid and nearly painless, children as young as 10 years old may be able and often choose to administer their own shots(8 Trusted Source
Growth Hormone Treatment

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The (tall) claims made by cosmetic therapy companies for HGH therapy include the following:

  1. Reduction in fat while increasing lean muscle(9 Trusted Source
    Effects of growth hormone on body fat in adults

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    ). Improved skin appearance and feel; increased bone density.
  2. It booststhe memory and power of the brain(10 Trusted Source
    The neuroprotective effects of human growth hormone as a potential treatment for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

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  3. Toning up physical and mental well-being.
  4. Peaceful and blissful sleep(11 Trusted Source
    Mechanism for the Increase in Human Growth Hormone with Administration of a Novel Test Supplement and Results Indicating Improved Physical Fitness and Sleep Efficiency

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  5. Mood enhancer.

Human Growth Hormone (HGH) - Expert's View

Citing some research findings pertaining to HGH therapy, we found some positive results. According to Dr. Anthony Karpos, MD "We really have something here which may be able to reverse some of the problems associated with aging".

Researchers from Denmark state, “Replacement therapy with growth hormone has shown a beneficial or normalizing effect on parameters such as cardiac and renal function, thyroid hormone metabolism, bone metabolism, sweat secretion, total and regional fuel metabolism and, psychological well being."

A statement appearing in Hormone Research 1995 says, “There is no evidence to suggest that Growth Hormone Replacement Therapy causes any unfavorable long term side effects."

Much more research across the globe is in support of HGH therapy, but a clear cut conclusive statement is yet to accord a certificate to this therapy.

Benefits of Human Growth Hormone

GH is a prescription medication administered via injection. Children with GH deficiency and individuals with short stature should take GH.

It is also approved for the treatment of adult GH deficiency, a rare illness that nearly invariably occurs in association with significant issues affecting the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, or both.

Adult GH deficiency is diagnosed via sophisticated tests that induce GH production; basic blood tests are worthless at best and deceptive at worst.

Adults who have legitimate GH deficits benefit from GH injections. They benefit from fracture protection, higher muscular mass, increased exercise ability and energy, and a lower risk of future heart disease. However, there is a cost. Side effects include fluid retention, joint and muscular discomfort, carpal tunnel syndrome (pressure on the nerve in the wrist causing hand pain and numbness), and elevated blood sugar levels in up to 30% of patients(12 Trusted Source
Growth hormone, athletic performance, and aging

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Why is Human Growth Hormone Illegal?

Some sportsmen or bodybuilders who abuse growth hormone in order to increase muscular size and strength also use other pharmaceuticals or illegal narcotics to hasten their physical transformation. The hazards of combining these several substances are not well understood(5 Trusted Source
Growth hormone

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Abuse of human growth hormone, also known as IGF-1, carries serious consequences. Long-term exposure to high levels of human growth hormone can result in irreversible acromegaly, but even low dosages can cause consequences such as heart disease and diabetes. Furthermore, because these hormones must be administered via injection, there are additional administration hazards such as a blood clot or dose error.

Some people believe that human growth hormone can improve athletic performance and bodybuilding, however evidence demonstrates that this is not the case. According to one study, while the hormone increases muscle growth, it does not boost strength and may even reduce exercise ability. Abuse-related health issues can also impair athletic performance.

Human growth hormone is on the World Anti-Doping Agency's (WADA) where it is available for sales in a prohibited list and implies that athletes who are caught using it are barred from competing.

Human growth hormone should only be taken under the direction of a doctor due to the health hazards(13 Trusted Source
Too much of a good thing: the health risks of human growth hormone

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