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The Hunger-Fullness Cycle and Weight Regulation
We need to understand what is hunger. When our blood sugar level falls, we crave for food and start feeling hungry. On feeding the body, this state slowly vanishes and one feel’s full and satisfied. Any metabolic disturbance in this regulatory process could lead to obesity.
Being insensitive to the body’s fullness signals can be devastating. The inborn disturbances in the hunger-fullness regulatory process are not in our hands. What we all must understand is the concept of “mindful eating” - eating with all our senses wide open.
It is essential to eat when hungry and not wait until the starving stage. When little food is eaten at smaller intervals the blood sugars are kept steady, which if not under control can lead to obesity and other conditions.

Grave hunger at any meal makes a person unable, to distinguish between healthy and unhealthy foods. Even the fullness signals go unrecognized. We must stop eating when full and not overtly stuffed. Understanding the hunger fullness cycle, body metabolism and practical ways to eat healthy are essentials of weight management.
Eating small meals at regular intervals is very easy and doable if practiced religiously and under some expert guidance initially. The body feels light and agile. One feels healthy and good about the body from within.
The hidden formula is to practice to eat with intention, attention, positivity and a sense of loving your stomach and feeding it with immense possessiveness. Checking the stomach from being overly dumped and abused with unhealthy food. Trying to eat each meal with this feeling would surely bring some change in the way we eat.
Every health conscious individual worries about how to shed that extra fat and most importantly how to avoid putting on weight. Fat is very easy to acquire and but very hard to get rid of. When we cut off the food supply for a long interval, body starts a survival mechanism, wherein it starts storing more than normal fat to compensate for the periods when no feed was provided. Hence getting into a dieting routine might help in momentary weight loss but as an when the dieting is stopped, the body puts on more fat. So it’s important to control your diet pattern.