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Itchy Skin | Pruritus - Glossary

Medically Reviewed by dr. simi paknikar, MD on Dec 30, 2019


Scarring: It is a process of forming fibrous tissue instead of normal tissue during wound healing process.

Urticaria: It is a vascular reaction of the skin that is identified by erythema (redness of skin) and wheal formation. This may occur due to allergy, infection and stress.

Eczema: It is a non-contagious skin inflammation, identified by redness, itching and lesions outbreak capable of releasing serous matter and become encrusted and scaly.

Psoriasis: This is a chronic non-contagious disease, identified by inflamed lesions covered by silvery white scabs of dead skin.

Lesion: This is a pathological or traumatic discontinuation of loss of tissue or function of any part.

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