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Kidney Transplantation

Medically Reviewed by Dr. Ramya Ananthakrishnan, MD on Dec 02, 2022

General Info About Transplantation

Since the early times, the novel idea of transplanting tissues and other body parts from one organism to the other has captured the imagination of successive generations.

Milestones In transplantation

Early 20th Century: Techniques of joining two or more blood vessels developed by Mathiew Jaboulay and Alexis Carrel.

1950's:Beginning of a modern era of transplantation.

1954:First successful kidney transplant (living donor transplant) performed between identical twins in 1954 by Joseph Murray and his colleagues.

1959:Schwartz and Dameshek discovered that 6-mercaptopurine had immunosuppressive properties.

Roy Calne showed that azathioprine (a derivative of 6- mercaptopurine) prevented the rejection of canine kidney transplantation.

1960's:Combination of azathioprine and corticosteriods developed.

1970's:(Late):Beginning of a cyclosporine era.

Kidney Transplantation - References

  1. ���Smith�s General Urology (15th Edition)
  2. Emil A. Tanagho, MD and Jack W. McAninch, MD
  3. �The McGraw- Hill Companies
  4. Kidney transplant - (

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