- Mudaliar and Menon's Obstetrics - (www.babycentre.co.uk)
Labor and Delivery
God's interest in the human race is nowhere better evinced than in obstetrics.~ Martin H. Fischer

Normal Labor
Childbirth is one of the most marvelous and memorable segment in a woman's life. It does not really matter if the child is the first, second or the third one. Each experience is unique and calls for a celebration. The fear and anxiety about childbirth often prevents most women from enjoying this experience. However, an adequate knowledge about signs of labor and labor and delivery in general can impart a feeling of confidence and a sense of emotional well being, very crucial in ensuring a successful labor. It is very important to communicate hopes or fears about labor and delivery with your doctor, based on which critical decisions can be made in the best interest of the mother and child.
“My mother groaned, my father wept, into the dangerous world I leapt.” ~William Blake
Childbirth is a process by which the baby inside the womb adjusts itself to its surroundings and passes out of the uterus to be born as a new individual in the world. Adequate and appropriate care taken during the antenatal period reflects on the conduct and outcome of the labor.
Cervical ripening helps the cervix soften and thins out in preparation for labor. Medications or devices can be used to soften the cervix.