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Medindia » Surgical Procedure

Liposuction - Glossary

Medically Reviewed by Dr. Sunil Shroff, MBBS, MS, FRCS (UK), D. Urol (Lond) on Sep 08, 2016


Lipectomy - cutting or removing fat

Abdominoplasty - a surgery to give the abdomen an aesthetic appearance

Canula - a hollow open ended tube through which fluid can be administered into the body or sucked out of the body

Breast augmentation or Mastopexy - a surgery to fix sagging breasts

Breast reduction - a surgery to trim oversized breasts

Hematoma - clot

Seroma - collection of serous fluid

Embolism - piece of blood clot or fat that travels in the blood and blocks blood vessels of any organ

Lymphedema - swelling that occurs due to accumulation of lymphatic fluid

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