Prognosis and Prevention of Paget's disease of the breast
The disease prognosis depends on the underlying breast cancer.
The prognosis is poor when the patients have palpable breast mass. About 62% of Paget's disease patient have palpable breast mass and their survival rate is 40% after 5 years and 30 % after 10 years.
The survival rate of patients without palpable breast mass is 9% after 5 years and 80% after 10 years.
Conservatory breast surgery usually results in higher rates of recurrence of Paget's disease when compared to mastectomy.
Prevention of Paget's disease of the breast
Paget's disease of the breast can be prevented if a little extra care is taken immediately after the diagnosis of breast cancer. The precautionary measures that can be taken to prevent Paget's disease of the breast are:
- Early detection of invasive breast cancer using mammographic examination.
- Seeking medical advice after the detection of a lesion on the nipple and or on the areola region around the nipple area.