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Lifestyle Measure for Prevention

Medically Reviewed by Dr. Sunil Shroff, MBBS, MS, FRCS (UK), D. Urol (Lond) on Jul 11, 2016

Lifestyle Measure for Prevention

When your doctor rules out a serious cause for your palpitations, you need not worry about the rare episodes. But sudden changes or increase in the frequency should be brought to your doctor's notice. Seek immediate medical attention, if you have chest pain, dizzy or close to fainting. Life style changes can help reducing palpitations too.


  1. Ventricular tachycardia - (
  2. A Study of Caffeine Consumption and Symptoms: Indigestion, Palpitations, Tremor, Headache and Insomnia - (
  3. Incidence of arrhythmias in normal pregnancy and relation to palpitations, dizziness, and syncope - ( db=PubMed&list_uids=9114764&dopt=AbstractPlus)

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