
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome - FAQs

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome - FAQs

1. Is it safe to sleep in a family bed (co-sleep) with my baby? 

All doctors do not agree on this issue. Their concern is based on statistics that show that half of all child suffocation deaths occur in adult beds due to overlaying or suffocation in bedding. Therefore, many experts recommend not sleeping with your baby at all. Other doctors, however, believe co-sleeping can be safe if the necessary safety precautions are taken.

2. Won't my baby choke if he or she sleeps on his or her back?

No. Healthy babies swallow or cough up fluids automatically. There has been no recorded increase in problem, like, chocking for babies who sleep on their backs.

3. Will my baby develop flat spots on his or her head from back sleeping?

A baby's head is soft and pliable, so some newborns when placed to sleep on their backs develop a flattening of the back of the head. In most cases, the flattening is harmless and goes away a few months after the baby learns to sit up.

4. Can the baby occasionally sleep on his stomach?

Yes, When the baby is awake and being watched, some "tummy time" is necessary for the baby's development. This will also avoid temporary flat spots, which sometimes develop on the back of their head from lying on their back.

5. What happens when the baby sleeps on his stomach? How does it lead to SIDS?

When the baby lies on his stomach, he continuously "re-breathes" the same air, which is trapped between his face and the crib bedding. This increases the level of carbon dioxide in the blood. Usually, this should signal an arousal response from the brain centers, which is absent in babies prone to SIDS.
sudden Infant Death

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