
Women and Cancer Prevention


Prevention is possible at two levels: primary and secondary. Primary level prevention is best characterized by the age old adage "Prevention is better than cure". This simply means, taking necessary precautions to avoid cancer. In secondary level prevention, mainly applicable to uterine-cervical and breast cancers, the spread of cancer can be controlled after early detection.

Some of the cancers that can be prevented at the primary level are oral cancer, lung cancer, and uterine and cervical cancers.

To avoid cancer :

  • Don't smoke cigarettes. Avoid passive smoking, too. Cigarette smoking can cause lung cancer, besides heart disease, stomach ulcers, frequent colds and chronic bronchitis. Don't chew tobacco
  • Avoid alcohol. A woman who has two standard drinks a day (two glasses of wine or two nips of spirit) increases her risk of breast cancer by more than 50 per cent
  • Vary your diet to include foods low in fat and calories to keep you trim. Include fresh fruits, vegetables, sprouts, whole grains, whole grain breads and cereals in your daily diet
  • An apple a day, along with the doctor, could also keep cancer away. Scientists have found that extracts of apple with the skin left on slowed growth of cancer cells of colon and liver. They believe that the phytochemicals could be the cancer-inhibiting factors in the fruit
  • Exercise at least four hours a week. It need not be strenuous activity. Brisk walking is recommended. Being overweight is a risk factor for breast and uterine cancers
  • Excessive intake of fried foods, fat, preserved meat and burnt food could cause cancer
  • Avoid using heated oil over and over again for cooking. Also avoid artificial sweeteners and colouring agents in food. Clean vegetables and fruits thoroughly before use to remove pesticides
  • Personal hygiene is important. Especially oral hygiene, cleanliness of skin and genital hygiene
  • Early marriages and multiple pregnancies can lead to cancer of the uterus. Late first pregnancy may lead to cancer of the uterus or cervix
  • Avoid multiple sex partners
  • Avoid indiscriminate use of drugs. Always check with your doctor before taking medicines
  • Avoid too much sunlight, particularly if you are fair skinned. Wear protective clothing or use effective sunscreens
  • Avoid exposure to X-rays. Go for it only if your doctors recommend one
  • Take estrogens only as long as necessary. Discuss with your doctor about the duration of hormone replacement therapy

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