ECMO - Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Who performs ECMO procedure?It is usually the cardiac surgeon who performs the procedure.
2. How much does an ECMO cost?
The mean estimated cost of an ECMO is around US $ 70,000 but adds up to around US $ 200,000 with pre- and post-ECMO hospital charges.
3. What is the outlook for patients on ECMO?
The ELSO's latest publication reports that there is 75%, 56% and 55% survival rates for respiratory failures in the neonatal, pediatric and adult populations respectively.
There is good outcome in those with cardiac arrest or cardiogenic shock.
4. Is it still possible to breastfeed a baby which is on ECMO?
While nursing is not possible, the mother is will be provided with a breast-pump to express milk until the child is ready to feed.
5. How long can a patient be kept on ECMO?
It is advisable to keep a patient on ECMO as less a time as possible due to its side effects. This is around 1-2 weeks while monitoring the patient continuously.
6. What is the difference between an ECMO and a ventilator?
The ventilator uses the patients own lungs to push oxygen with pressure into the lungs directly. The ECMO provides the oxygen via an artery or a vein.
An ECMO is used when the patient is too sick to respond to a ventilator.
7. What is ELSO?
Extracorporeal life support organization is an international non-profit committee comprised of physicians, nurses, researchers and other experts whose main purpose is to find and improve innovative therapies like the ECMO.