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Facial Nerve Decompression

Medically Reviewed by Dr. Lakshmi Venkataraman, MD on Jan 29, 2019

What is Facial Nerve Decompression?

Facial nerve decompression is a surgical procedure in which the abnormal compression on the facial nerve is relieved. It is performed to improve blood circulation and minimize damage to the nerve fibers.

The facial nerve is the seventh cranial nerve and it follows an intracranial path through the cranium and an extracranial path through the face and neck with a combination of sensory, motor and parasympathetic fibers. Since it is also the longest nerve to travel inside a bony canal and follows a complex course the facial nerve is highly susceptible to injury.

Paralysis or weakness of the facial nerve may occur due to herpes zoster oticus infection, inflammation, trauma, tumors and tympanotomy. Compression on the facial nerve results in facial muscle weakness, facial paralysis, Bell's palsy and facial drooping which alters facial expressions and is also a cosmetic deformity.

What are the Types of Facial Nerve Decompression?

The different types of facial nerve decompression depend on the location of facial nerve injury and whether there is an associated hearing loss or not.

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