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Medindia » Surgical Procedure

Incisional Hernias

Written by Dr. Anitha Paderla

Incisional Hernias - Home care instructions

It is important to follow home care instructions after surgery to avoid complications.


► You can eat a regular diet without any restrictions after surgery. This, of course, will be limited by other illnesses you have, such as diabetes, heart disease or hypertension.

► On the first day, eat small, light, meals and liquids. Progress to a normal diet as tolerated.

► Nausea and vomiting from anesthesia are not uncommon for 24 hours. If you feel nauseous, take clear liquids only. Contact your doctor if nausea and vomiting persist for greater than 36 hours.

► Do not take any alcoholic drinks for at least 24 hours and while you are taking narcotic painkillers with codeine.


You can do whatever you are comfortable doing, except heavy lifting, after you are discharged.

► For 24 to 48 hours after surgery you may resist movement due to pain. Although you should get rest during this time, it is equally important to get up and walk.

► Do not drive while you are taking narcotic pain medicines and while your incisions hurt. This may reduce your ability to move quickly.

► Your thought processes may take 24 to 48 hours to return to normal because of anesthesia. Do not make any important business or personal decisions during this time.

► It is okay to go up and down stairs, and it is encouraged.

► You can return to work when you feel comfortable you can perform your job safely and at the level you and your employer expect. Usually this is a minimum of one week. If your job involves heavy lifting you should stay out of work for 2-4 weeks.

► Most people find they fatigue easily during the second and even the third week, so don't overload your schedule.

► Do not return to exercise or strenuous activity until you are seen for a follow-up appointment.

Pain and Discomfort

It is normal to have pain after the operation. How much pain a person experiences usually depends on the individual and not on the operation. Pain normally is located over the incision. Narcotics and painkillers are prescribed for relief from pain.

Keeping ice on the area of surgery for 24 to 48 hours will minimize postoperative swelling and reduce pain. There is no benefit to using ice after the first 48 hours.

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