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Medindia » Surgical Procedure

Incisional Hernias

Written by Dr. Anitha Paderla

Incisional Hernias - Post Operative

After surgery the patient will be observed in a postoperative ward and then shifted to the ward after his condition is stabilized.

► Immediately after surgery, the patient will be observed in a recovery area for one to several hours depending on the time duration of the surgery. This is to monitor body temperature, pulse, blood pressure, and heart function.

► There maybe a small drain from inside the wound to collect secretions for a day or more.

► The surgical wound will be observed for undue bleeding or swelling.

► The patient may then be transferred to a regular room.

► Laparoscopically done cases will usually be discharged on the day of the surgery but more complex hernias such as those with incarcerated or strangulated intestines will require overnight hospitalization.

► Open surgical cases may stay for 4 to 5 days or longer.

► Some patients may have prolonged suture-site pain, which may be treated with pain medication or anti-inflammatory drugs.

► Antibiotics may be prescribed to help prevent postoperative infection.

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