Frequently Asked Questions
1. Which doctor should I consult for a parotid gland swelling?You should consult your primary care physician who will refer you to a surgeon if surgery is required.
2. What is a parotid mass?
Any swelling of the parotid gland is referred to as a parotid mass. Usually, it indicates a tumor, but other causes of parotid swelling include infection, inflammation and a stone in the duct of the salivary gland.
3. Do all parotid masses require surgery?
If the swelling is due to infection or inflammation, it can be treated with antibiotics. If the swelling is due to a tumor, surgery will be required.
4. Does a benign tumor of the parotid gland also require removal?
Although nearly 80% of parotid tumors are benign, removal is recommended since they enlarge and become unsightly. The facial nerve may be involved with consequent complications. Occasionally, a benign parotid mass may turn malignant. For these reasons, early removal is recommended.
5. What diet should I follow after parotid surgery?
You can follow a normal diet from the day after the surgery. However, sour and citrus foods have to be avoided for up to two weeks since they stimulate salivary secretion.
6. How long will it take to return to work?
Most persons return to work within 7-10 days after the operation.
7. What is the outcome following parotid surgery?
Most patients recover completely and remain cured. About 20% of patients may have facial weakness immediately after parotidectomy and 1-2% have permanent weakness. Nearly 90% of patients have Frey's syndrome.