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Fainting Symptom Evaluation

Medically Reviewed by The Medindia Medical Review Team on Aug 14, 2014


Fainting or syncope is characterized by transient loss of consciousness and a spontaneous recovery.

Fainting or syncope is a common symptom suffered by many adults and children. A typical fainting attack occurs suddenly with a transient loss of consciousness. The patient usually falls down, but promptly recovers completely without any treatment.

Syncope is a result of decreased blood flow to the brain. It often accompanies a change in posture. The most common cause of syncope is a vasovagal attack. Certain situations like emotional or painful situations result in stimulation of a nerve called the vagus nerve. This, in turn, slows down the heart resulting in a syncopal attack.

Syncope should be differentiated from the following:

Causes of Fainting / Syncope

Causes of fainting could be reflex-mediated, cardiac, orthostatic or cerebrovascular.

Causes of syncope include:

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Which doctor should I visit in case I faint?

A single fainting episode may not mean much and may not require treatment. However, if you suffer from repeated episodes, it is better to meet your general practitioner who may evaluate you and refer you to a specialist if necessary.

2. What are the tests used for diagnosing the cause of fainting?

Fainting is diagnosed based on a complete physical examination. An ECG should be done to rule out cardiac cause. A twenty-four hour (Holter) electrocardiographic monitoring is done to rule out suspected arrhythmias. Echocardiography and exercise testing may be used in some cases. Tests like computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), electroencephalography (EEG), and carotid ultrasonography are advised only if a neurological cause is suspected.


  1. Miller TH, Kruse JE. Evaluation of Syncope. Am Fam Physician 2005;72:1492-500
  2. Benditt DG and Goldstein M. Fainting. Circulation. 2002;106:1048-1050

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