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Swollen Glands

Medically Reviewed by dr. simi paknikar, MD on Oct 15, 2014


Lymph nodes play a vital role in the immune system of our body, by way of protecting from various infectious particles. These lymph nodes get swollen and become painful due to invasion into the body by bacteria, viruses, parasitic infections, fungi, certain autoimmune disorders, tumors etc. Any swollen lymph node that does not subside within 3-4 weeks should raise an alarm and it becomes necessary to get it evaluated thoroughly for its cause.

There are certain factors that need to be considered while examining a lymph node. They are:

Depending upon which organs are affected or confined to certain disease conditions a particular group of lymph nodes get enlarged, most commonly corresponding to location of the organ affected. Swollen lymph nodes/ Lymphadenopathy can be classified based on the location in which lymph nodes are affected:

In case of advanced tumors, generalized lymphadenopathy is often noticed.

There are a number of conditions which manifest with swollen lymph nodes or lymphadenopathy. While infections cause lymph nodes to be tender, spread of cancer to a lymph node results in the lymph node becoming hard, non-tender and sometimes fixed to the underlying tissues. Autoimmune conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus can also cause lymph node enlargement. Some of the conditions that cause enlarged lymph nodes are listed below:

Any lymph node enlargement that is not subsiding after 3-4 weeks warrants complete evaluation with examination and investigations.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are swollen glands?

Swollen glands or swollen lymph nodes are nodules of lymph tissue which get enlarged due to infection, trauma or cancer. They are located all over the body. Depending upon which organ is affected, neighboring lymph nodes enlarge.

2. What is the role of lymph nodes in our body?

Lymph nodes play a vital role in our body's ability to fight against infectious particles entering our system. If there are swollen lymph nodes, suspicion of some thing wrong should arise and evaluation must be initiated.

3. Which lymph nodes are commonly affected?

The most common lymph nodes that get affected are in head, neck region, armpits and groin region. But other lymph nodes can also be affected, depending upon the cause.

4. What are the common symptoms of swollen lymph nodes?

The common symptoms of swollen lymph nodes include pain in the lymph node and symptoms due to compression of the adjacent areas. Along with these, there are associated symptoms like fever, night sweats, loss of appetite, persistent cough, recurrent infections etc depending upon the cause for enlarged lymph nodes. A bacterial infection can cause abscess formation and result in ulceration of the lymph node.

5. What are the common conditions in which swollen glands are noticed?

Most commonly, infections cause swollen lymph nodes. Common among these include Adenovirus infection, cytomegalo virus, Epstein barr virus, chicken pox, staphylococcus, streptococcus, tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases, herpes, HIV etc.


  1. Why Are My Glands Swollen? - (
  2. Swollen lymph nodes - (
  3. About Swollen lymph nodes - (

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