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The Seven Chakras

Reviewed by Medindia Complementary Medicine Team

  1. Sixth Energy Center - Third Eye Chakra or Ajna Chakra

The Ajna Chakra or the third eye chakra is called the center of Christ consciousness. This chakra, located between the eyebrows is the center for forgiveness. The energy in this chakra represents psychic power, emotional intelligence and intuition.

A well-balanced Ajna Chakra endows the person with a keen observation of thoughts and feelings as also a sense of detachment in thoughts and feelings. There is certain charisma about the person who experiences the positive energy from this chakra. Additionally, the person embodies qualities of truth, clarity, non-attachment to material possessions, focus, and constancy.

When the energy flow in the chakra faces impediments, then it reflects as non-assertive tendencies, a lack of focus and vision making the person indisciplined, proud and even manipulative.

Highlights of Ajna Chakra

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