The Seven Chakras
- Fourth Energy Center - Anahata Chakra
This chakra ensures the production of antibodies till the age of 12. This chakra gives us a sense of security. It stands for love, compassion, acceptance and trust.
A well-balanced Anahata chakra expresses itself as love, compassion, charity, generosity, beauty, and friendliness. One is inspired to highlight the good in others when the energy levels flow unhindered, that doubly takes care of the related organs and systems. It helps in transcending the ego so that the finer elements of ones personality are manifest.
When the energy in the Anahata chakra faces blocks and suffers an imbalance, negative feelings of animosity, moodiness, self-pity and indecisiveness prevails.
Highlights of Anahata Chakra
- It has 12 petals
- It radiates the color green and pink.
- Parts of the body influenced by this chakra are the heart, thymus, lungs, and immune system.
- The gemstones that benefit this chakra are emerald, green jade, rose quartz.