The Seven Chakras
- Second Energy Center - Swadhishthana Chakra
A well-balanced Swadhishthana chakra ensures vitality. The balance achieved in this energy center pervades the being, making the person an extrovert, patient, and positive, with an ability to enjoy life in all its fullness. This chakra also endows the being with divine traits of mercy, forgiveness, warmth and compassion.
When the energy levels within the chakra suffer an imbalance, a lot of negative energy pervades the being, marked by an unforgiving nature, intolerance, and over ambition that can even border around manipulative tendencies. This energy center gets fatigued by excessive thinking, which can also harm the liver.
Highlights of Swadhishthana Chakra:
- It radiates the color violet.
- It has 6 petals and supplies us with the energy of creativity and thinking; it connects us to the inner source of inspiration.
- The parts of the body that it affects are ovaries, testicles, skin, spleen, and mammary glands.
- The gemstones that benefit this chakra are: amethyst, carnelian, coral, and aquamarine.