Sujok is a special science, which exclusively deals with acupressure. It is a method to heal the diseases by stimulation of the hands and feet with a combined use of acupuncture, finger pressure therapy or even with a blunt needle or tip of the ball- point pen. It is a simple method and can be learnt within few minutes.
Prof. Park Joe Woo, a Korean by birth is the originator of this therapy '. The treatment involves only hands and feet and hence a simple method to follow and practice.
According to this science the human body is replicated on our palms and feet in a miniature form . It is said that any layman can learn it and practice it without the fear of side effects. It is highly cost effective too.
A diagram depicting the various organs that are represented on our Hand
Even random pressure on these points can help ease pain in the representative body part. This can even happen unknowingly as it is a blessing provided by Mother Nature for self-cure.