Yoga And High Blood Pressure / Hypertension
There is no other gift greater than the gift of health. It is rightly said that health is wealth.We should aspire to develop all round physical, mental and spiritual health. Imbalance or improper functioning of the physical or mental bodies results in serious repercussions on the well-being of a person, which would necessitate medical attention.
Blood Pressure
Blood Pressure is one among the various diseases that affect the human body. The medical term for blood pressure is hypertension. Blood pressure is characterized by abnormal pressure levels in the arteries. The blood pressure in a healthy, normal person is 90/60mmhg. When the pressure is lower than the normal, it interferes with the well-being of a person. When the pressure increases, it causes damage to the heart and sometimes proves fatal.
Causes of High Blood Pressure / Hypertension:
Hypertension is usually caused due to excess stress, strain, and emotional disturbances. In some cases, arterial problems, disturbed kidney function and malfunctioning of the endocrine gland cause hypertension. The causes of blood pressure may vary according to individuals.
In 90 to 95% of the cases of high blood pressure cases, the cause is unknown. Many patients have had high blood pressure for years and do not know it. That's why high blood pressure is sometimes called a silent disease. It creeps on you unaware. It often has no signs and symptoms and yet it becomes a lifelong disease. When the cause is unknown it is called essential or primary hypertension.
Symptoms of High Blood Pressure / Hypertension:
The usual symptoms of the disease are dizziness, sound in the ears, headaches and dull vision.