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Yoga and Skin Care

Article Reviewed by Medindia Complementary Medicine Team on Feb 10, 2017

Glowing Skin with Yoga

Glowing skin is an invaluable beauty and health asset. Glowing skin is fresh looking and has an even texture. For people of all ages glowing skin enhances the appearance and draws appreciation to oneself. The practice of Yoga has gained immense popularity worldwide as a natural and safe alternative in achieving youthful glowing skin.

It is an old adage that skin reflects the inner condition of the body. People resort to various methods in their quest to achieve a flawless and glowing skin. Yoga offers a holistic approach which include pranayamas (breathing techniques), Asanas (bodily postures) and meditation which aim to correct the root cause of the problem. A proper balance between the body and mind coupled with healthy lifestyle is the key to achieve a healthy glowing skin naturally.

Causes of Uneven Skin Tone and Dull Skin

Short-Term Methods to Achieve Glowing Skin

Long-Term [Lasting] Methods to Achieve Glowing Skin

What is Yoga?

Yoga is an ancient Indian science, widely practiced for health and relaxation. It includes breath control, simple meditation, and the adoption of specific bodily postures. These techniques make our body supple, strong and reduce mental stress. Yoga also improves our body's resistance power to ward off illnesses.

Effect of Yoga on Skin

Recommended Asanas for Glowing Skin

Inverted postures

1. Sirsana (Headstand) - King of the Asanas

How To Perform:

2. Sarvangasana (Shoulder stand)- Queen of Asanas

How To Perform:
3. Halasana (Plough Pose)

How To Perform:

Forward-bending Yoga poses:

1. Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)

How To Perform:
2. Balasana (Child Pose)

How To Perform:

3. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog)

How To Perform:
4. Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend)

How To Perform:
Pranayamas (Breathing Exercises)

Proper Breathing techniques help us provide our body cells with extra nutrients and oxygen. These detoxify the body imparting a natural beautiful glow to the skin. It also rids us of stress and tension making us calm, relaxed and think positively. These add onto the many benefits of physical postures. This encompasses the adage "Beauty from within".

1. Kapal Bhati (Kapal- forehead and Bhati- glowing)

How To Perform:
2. Anulom Vilom (Alternate Nostril Breathing)

How To Perform:
3. Bhastrika (Bellows breath)

How To Perform:

Facial Exercises: [Repeat 3-5 times]

Facial Yoga also helps in toning and rejuvenating the face:

Maximize the Effect of Yoga

Many people lead a faulty lifestyle, which results in dull, tired looking, prematurely aged skin. Yoga offers a holistic treatment option to improve skin health and have naturally glowing skin. To obtain long lasting results, regular practice of Yoga along with healthy diet is recommended. Following a balanced diet has positive effect on our mental and physical health, and also reflects externally, with a toned body and healthy glowing skin.
  1. Yoga for Naturally Glowing Skin and Face - (
  2. Yoga Postures Step By Step - (
  3. Pranayamas - (
Author: Dr. Sunita Chowdhary

Editor: Sushma Rao

Technically Checked by: Lingaraj

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