
How to Take Temperature - Slideshow

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Body Temperature

Body temperature is the internal temperature of an organism.

It is a quick and effective indicator of a person's health
The normal core body temperature is 98.6oF (ie 37o C)
It depends on the part of the body where the measurement is made.

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Types of Thermometers

Two basic types of thermometers

mercury thermometers( commonly used)
alcohol thermometers
digital thermometers.
Mercury thermometers consist of a glass tube with a marked glass bulb filled with mercury which climbs as the temperature rises.
Alcohol thermometers use ethanol or toluene.

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Types of Thermometers

Digital thermometers consist of thermistors or thermocouples that sense temperature changes which are then displayed digitally.

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How to take temperature

A regular mercury (glass) thermometer should first be cleaned with isopropyl alcohol and then dipped in cool water.

Shake the mercury thermometer before use
Insert it under one side of the tongue for 3 minutes.
Close mouth and breathe through your nose.
Normal reading ranges between 95.9oF to 99.5oF.
temperature can be measured at mouth, ear, forehead, armpit, and rectum.

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Digital Thermometer

Follow the manufacturer's directions before placing it gently in the ear.

Readings may be inaccurate in case of ear infection.
Normal reading ranges between 96.4° F to 100.4°F.
Digital thermometers are also used for measuring axillary temperature in children by placing the instrument at the armpit.
Rectal temperature readings are advisable for babies.

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Temperature Strips

Plastic temperature strips are child-friendly

First ensure that the forehead is dry
Hold the strip on the forehead, above the eyebrows
Do not touch the heat-measuring panels of the strip
When these strips change colour, they give an approximate reading
Normal reading ranges between 95.0°F to 100.4°F
Also, the temperature should not be taken right after any physical activity, eating or drinking

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Temperature charts

Chart showing temperature variations in the case of constant fever and undulant fever

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How to cool down

There are natural methods to ease the fever.

Rub the body down with a sponge soaked in lukewarm water. Use ice if necessary
Take common antipyretics to control the fever. Aspirin is not recommended for children.
Drink plenty of fluids.
Take rest.
If fever continues, see a doctor

  1. Body Temperature
  2. Types of Thermometers
  3. Types of Thermometers
  4. How to take temperature
  5. Digital Thermometer
  6. Temperature Strips
  7. Temperature charts
  8. How to cool down









