Animation of a surgical condition called Intussusception of the intestine. This is a common surgical cause for the blockage of the intestine (gut) in children.
The procedure/surgery depicted in this video is for information purpose only. Depending on the patient condition, the procedure/surgery methodology could vary in actuality.
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Ramcruise, India
superb animation
V4UGHN, Canada
I lost 3 feet of intestine - 1.5 feet from small and 1.5 feet from large intestine -from surgery for intussussception at age 49. Of course diarrhoea! I have been using Cholestyramine since then - 14 years. This is expensive, and I worry about using the same drug for such a long term. Does anyone have a more natural product that actually works, and that is reasonable in price. Alternatively do you use a less expensive drug that is effective. VB
superb animation