Medical Aphorism - Medical Aphorism
Total No. of Aphorism - 41
Category - Medical Aphorism (Nos - 24) | |
SNo | Aphorism |
1 | If the matters which are purged be such as should be purged, the evacuation is beneficial, and easily borne; but, not withstanding, if otherwise, with difficulty. |
2 | Use purgative medicines sparingly in acute diseases, and at the commencement, and not without proper circumspection. |
3 | The evacuations are to be judged of not by their quantity, but whether they be such as they should be, and how they are borne. And when proper to carry the evacuation to deliquium animi, this also should be done, provided the patient can support it. |
4 | We must purge and move such humors as are concocted, not such as are unconcocted, unless they are struggling to get out, which is mostly not the case. |
5 | Those things which require to be evacuated should be evacuated, wherever they most tend, by the proper outlets. |
6 | When things are at the crisis, or when they have just passed it, neither move the bowels, nor make any innovation in the treatment, either as regards purgatives or any other such stimulants, but let things alone. |
7 | Neither gives nor enjoin anything to persons during periodical paroxysms, but abstract from the accustomed allowance before the crisis. |
8 | Invalids bear food worst during summer and autumn, most easily in winter, and next in spring. |
9 | We must consider also, in which cases food is to be given once or twice a day, and in greater or smaller quantities, and at intervals. Something must be conceded to habit, to season, to country, and to age. |
10 | A humid regimen is befitting in all febrile diseases, and particularly in children, and others accustomed to live on such a diet. |