Gene augmentation therapy (GAT), where DNA is added to the genome inorder to replace a missing gene product.
Gene targeting to correct mutant alleles.
Gene inhibition therapy, using antisense RNA expression or expression of intracellular antibodies to treat diseases.
Targeted ablation of specific cells.
Somatic cells can only be used as Therapeutic gene transfer generates transgenic human cell clones.
In transient gene therapy oligonucleotides can be used which can distrupt gene expression at many levels but does not cause permanent genetic changes.
Gene augmentation therapy for recessive diseases:
Gene marking is the first human genetic engineering experiment to demonstrate that an exogenous gene could be safely transferred into a patient and that this gene could subsequently be detected in cells removed from the patients.
Tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (kills tumor cells) were isolated from patients with advanced cancer. The cells were then genetically marked with a neomycin resistance gene and injected back into the same patient.
Gene augmentation therapies are being undergone for a small number of recessive single gene diseases.
Cystic fibrosis (disorder that affects lungs, liver and pancreas).
The disease is caused by loss of cAMP -regulated membrane spanning chloride channel, which results in an electrolyte imbalance and accumulation of mucus leading respiratory failure. Cystic fibrosis is a recessive disorder which can be altered by introducing a functional copy of the gene.
Gene augmentation therapy for cancer:
Different Gene therapy strategies are under study for cancer treatment.
Tumor infiltrating leucocytes were transformed with a gene for TNF in addition to neomycin resistance gene with the aim of improving efficiency of these cells to kill tumors by increasing the amount of TNF they secrete.
Transform the tumor cells themselves, making them more susceptible to immune system through expression of cytomines or foreign antigen.
Transform Fibroblasts, which are easier to grow in culture and co-inject these together with tumor cells to provoke an immune response against the tumor.
Oncogenes (cancer genes) can be targeted using antisense technology either with antisense transgenes, oligonucleotides or ribozyme.
Cancers occurring due to loss of Tumor suppressor genes function can be altered by delivering a functional copy of the appropriate gene delivered into affected cells.
Pro-drug activation therapy involves activation of a particular enzyme specifically in cancer cells, which converts a non-toxic pro-drug into toxic product, so killing the cancer cells, which can be achieved by driving the expression of so called "suicide gene" selectively in cancer cells.
Use of Transcriptional regulatory elements that are active only in cancer cells.