Does he /she have pain while in coma?
Being in coma may be compared to being under anesthesia. People in coma may well react to pain by moving, or even groaning, but most often have no memory of pain.
Does Coma always happen suddenly?
Coma may appear slowly in conditions where there are preceding medical or neurological problems, including the secondary brain swelling that surrounds a preexisting lesion.
Does a person in coma hear?
People in coma sometimes show signs that they are able to hear and understand. Often these signs are just simple reflexes -- like squeezing a hand, or sucking, in response to a touch. Occasionally people in coma seem to become calm when they hear a familiar voice. Since they almost never remember these events, it is impossible to decide if they actually recognized a voice or understood what was said. However, as a rule, it is good to talk to people in coma as though they could hear and understand what was being said.
Are there medicines to treat Coma?
There are currently no medicines known that will shorten the duration of coma. In fact, some medicines are used which actually deepen the state of unconsciousness. Other medicines temporarily paralyze the body. The effects of the medicines may have to be tolerated for the overall well being of the patient
Will a person in Coma recover fully?
The outcome of a coma ranges from full recovery to death. Whether a person recovers, and to what extent, depends upon the cause of the coma and the type and extent of brain damage. It is very important to know that the outcome may remain UNKNOWN for many months.
What happens after the patient comes out of coma?
Problems with complex thinking, and with emotional instability and personality changes, are especially common. Both the head injured person and his/her family may be frustrated and disturbed by these continued difficulties. There may be setbacks in self-care and independence, or in progressing to a meaningful life style or livelihood
By-Dr.Sunil Shroff, Dr.Rashmi