During summer most people tend to feel, and look, dull, tired and dehydrated. It is this time of the year when the skin needs extra care. The skin is always influenced by atmospheric conditions. In summer months, especially for people with oily skins, sweat and oil secretions are more, and it makes the skin look dull, greasy and dirty. So regulate and adjust the skin-care routine, keeping in mind the specific requirements of your skin.
Here are some tips to maintain a glowing skin :
- During summer face should be washed several times with plenty of water.
- Hot and humid conditions call for deep pore cleansing, especially for oily skins, in order to keep the pores free of clogged oil and dirt.
- After cleansing, wipe the skin with a cotton wool pad or a soft turkey towel.
- If you are out during the day, carry wet tissues in your handbag so that you can use it whenever the skin becomes dry or dirty.
- Cleansing of the skin at night, before bedtime is very important.
- If the skin feels dry, a light liquid moisturizer should be used to prevent moisture loss.
- Drink plenty of water and fresh fruit juices to replenish the fluid loss.
- Diet is an essential part of skin care. The diet should include raw vegetables and fresh fruits to help replace fluids.
Have a great summer!!!