Quench your thirst and keep drinking!!

Do you make this common mistake? Waiting until you are thirsty before taking a drink of water. Thirst isn't an early signal of water needs; it's a warning sign that youčre dehydrated and need to drink up - and fast.

By the time you feel thirsty you have already lost over 1 percent of your total body water. Some subtle signs of dehydration include dry lips, dark colored urine, muscle or joint soreness, headaches, crankiness, fatigue and constipation. More serious complications caused by extreme dehydration include seizures, permanent brain damage, or even death.

In addition to water, milk, juice and soup count toward your daily fluid intake because of their high water content. But don't include alcohol, coffee, tea, and soft drinks that contain caffeine as they may have a mild diuretic effect. Caffeine can hold backwater from the tissues that need it. Since your body is nearly two-thirds water, it is important to stay ahead of dehydration. If you are out in hot, humid weather or exercising vigorously you need to replace 150% of the amount of water lost to keep hydrated.

The message is crystal clear: Drink plenty of water every day.

Nutrition Actions to Increase Water Intake
  • Take water breaks instead of coffee breaks.
  • Choose water instead of soft drinks or coffee.
  • Drink water before meals and snacks.
  • Drink water before, during and after any physical activity.
  • Keep a bottle of chilled water on your desk to sip from throughout the workday.
Have a great summer!!!
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