
Summer Beauty Tips

What are Summer Beauty Tips?

The first days of summer are a welcome break from the biting cold winter but after a while, the scorching heat can become unbearable. In addition to the discomfort, the summer also causes a host of skin problems from prickly heat to acne breakouts. Dandruff and scalp infections are more common in summer as perspiration, oil and dust mix together to form a greasy film over your scalp and hair roots. This is why it is essential that you follow a regular beauty routine to keep your skin and hair clean and problem free. Here are a few summer beauty tips to keep you fresh and glowing despite the heat:

Summer Skin Care Tips

  • Use UV Protection: Stay out of direct sunlight as far as possible as the UVA and UVB rays of the sun will damage your skin and speed up the process of photoaging. Photoaging results in diminished skin elasticity, deeper wrinkles and thickened skin. One of the most effective ways to prevent photoaging is to use a sunscreen before you go outdoors. Apply the sunscreen lotion at least 30 minutes before you leave the house as it requires time to be absorbed by your skin. You can add a few drops of rose hip seed oil to your sunscreen lotion as this oil contains tretinoin, which helps to reduce the effects of photoaging.
Use UV Protection
  • Choose a Good Cleanser: Choose a cleanser that is suitable to your type of skin. This is very important, as a cleanser meant for oily skin will leave your skin dry and flaky if you don’t have oily skin. In the same way, if you have oily skin and you use a cleanser meant for dry skin, it will not cleanse your skin completely. You can make your own cleanser by mixing a few tablespoons of fresh orange or tomato juice with a few teaspoons of Bengal gram flour. If you have oily skin, you should add a few drops of sour lime juice to this cleanser and if you have dry skin, you can add a few drops of milk or honey.
  • Use a Moisturizer Daily: Even though your skin feels oily and greasy in summer, you still need to use a moisturizer on a daily basis. Wash your face well with warm water and then apply a moisturizer as this will help to keep your skin well hydrated, soft and supple. This is one of the best beauty tips for teens and young adolescents as a good moisturizer can help to prevent acne and blackheads and it can even help to get rid of scars and blemishes. You can make your own summer skin care moisturizer by adding a few drops of lavender essential oil and frankincense essential oil to a few spoons of almond milk. The lavender oil will help to reduce blemishes while frankincense oil contains antibacterial properties that will help to prevent acne and other related skin problems.
  • Use a Deep Cleansing Face Pack once a Week: The sebaceous glands in your skin produce more sebum in summer, which increases your risk of getting acne breakouts. Use a deep cleansing face pack at least once a week to get rid of the excess natural oils and keep your skin smooth and blemish-free. To make your own deep cleansing face pack, mix a few spoons of apple cider vinegar and Fullers earth to get a thick paste. You can crush a few fresh mint leaves and add it to this paste as it will provide a cooling effect and will soothe sunburned skin. Apply the paste to your skin and wait for it to dry completely before rinsing it off with lukewarm water.
Use Face Pack Once a Week
  • Choose Non-Comedogenic Cosmetics: Avoid thick foundation creams and other products that are likely to clog up your pores and irritate your skin. Look for products that are labelled “non-comedogenic” as these products are less likely to block your pores. Make sure that you strip your skin clean of all cosmetic products before you go to bed. After removing your makeup, rinse your face with warm water to remove all traces of it. These simple summer makeup tips will go a long way in keeping your skin clear this summer.

Summer Hair Care Tips

  • Use Sunscreen Hair Oil: We know that the sun damages our skin so it obviously follows that it would be equally harsh on our hair! The effects of sun damage are most obvious on dyed hair as the sun’s rays have a stronger effect on artificial pigments than on natural pigments. Sun damaged hair tends to be coarse, dry and lacklustre and breaks easily. A bottle of sunscreen hair oil is one of the most essential summer beauty products and you can either buy one or make your own at home by mixing equal amounts of olive oil, almond oil and coconut oil. Add a few drops of peppermint essential oil for a refreshing summer fragrance. All these oils contain modest SPF and so they will offer some amount of protection from the sun.
Sunscreen Hair Oil
  • Don’t Blow Dry your Hair: Your hair is already exposed to a lot of heat on a daily basis during summer so avoid blow drying your hair as far as possible. You should also avoid hair irons, curlers and other hairstyling devices that require heat to set your hair. This is one of the simplest beauty tips for women but it also one of the most ignored beauty tips! The best way to dry your hair in summer is to get rid of the excess water with a towel and then allowing it to air dry. Your hair is fragile when it is wet, so wait until it dries completely before combing out the knots and tangles.
  • Don’t Wash your Hair too Often: You may be tempted to hop into the shower after a long day at work but this is one of the worst mistakes you can make. Washing your hair too frequently will strip your hair of its natural oils and will make your hair coarse and dry. Use a mild shampoo or make your own shampoo out of shikakai powder. Soak the shikakai powder in a bowl of water for a couple of hours and then pour it into a small saucepan. Heat this mixture on a low flame until it starts to boil and then take it off the stove. Allow it to cool before straining it. Use the warm liquid instead of your regular shampoo to cleanse your hair of sweat and excess oils.
Don’t Wash your Hair too often
  • Use a Conditioner after Every Wash: A conditioner coats your hair and protects it from the elements. This will help to prevent frizzing and knotting. Conditioner should be applied only to your hair and not to your scalp – applying conditioner to your scalp will make it greasy and increase the chances of dandruff. You can make your own conditioner out of fenugreek seeds. Soak a few tablespoons of fenugreek seeds in water overnight. Blend the seeds along with the water the next morning to form a thick paste. Pour a little water to thin out the paste and then strain it using a muslin cloth or a clean kerchief. Use this instead of your regular conditioner to keep your hair naturally soft this summer.
  • Choose the Right Hairstyle: You don’t need to cut your hair short for the summer, instead you can choose from sleek or chic-messy half-up hairstyles to keep your hair off your face. It’s aggravating to fuss over a difficult look when you’re bothered by the heat and humidity of the season, so simply twist and braid portions of your hair for a funky summer hairstyle. You can also ask your stylist for tips on easy hairstyles for summer.

These are just some of the many beauty tips and tricks that you can use to protect your hair and skin this summer. In addition to your regular beauty regimen, make sure that you also follow a diet that promotes healthy skin and hair. A diet that is lacking in minerals and vitamins will lead to sallow skin and lifeless hair no matter how many beauty products you slather on!

Your summer diet plan should consist of plenty of vegetables, fruits, whole grains and healthy fats. Protein is also very important in summer, as it is required for the repair and maintenance of skin tissue. Poultry and eggs are good sources of protein and if you are vegetarian you can get your protein from soy, watercress, kidney beans and chickpeas.

You should also drink plenty of fruit juices, vegetable juices and even mild dehydration will have a visible impact on your skin. When making fresh juice, use two or three different fruits or vegetables as mixed fruit or vegetable juice provides a greater variety of minerals and vitamins.

Drink Plenty of Juices











