Test : Trichomonas preparation
Indications : T vaginalis wet preparation is commonly used to diagnose
T vaginalis infection.
To carry out wet mount microscopy, vaginal fluid is collected from the posterior fornix region of the vagina using a sterile cotton swab. It is placed in plastic tubes containing 0.5 ml of 0.9% saline and vigorously rotated to express as much of vaginal fluid as possible. One drop of this solution is placed on a micro slide and a cover slip placed over it. This is then examined at magnification of 200× within an hour of sample collection.
This test is only 60% sensitive but has been done profusely as it is simple and inexpensive.
Culturing the vaginal fluid sample is another method of diagnosis. Of late PCR method has replaced the wet mount preparation and culture methods as the golden standard for diagnosing
T.vaginalis infections.
Physiology : Trichomonas vaginalis infections are caused by a flagellated parasite that specifically infests the
urinary tract. The infection is very common in women, but highly curable.
In women,
T vaginalis infections can range from being asymptomatic to acute inflammatory
vaginitis. In an infected woman the ectocervix is inflamed and displays the classical ‘strawberry appearance’.
T vaginalis infections are also known to bring about pregnancy- related complications and increase the risk for
HIV infection. In men, typically, it is asymptomatic but of late, its role in causing non-gonococcal urethritis has been recognized.
Normal Range : Negative, no trichomonads identified.
Interpretation : Normal - Negative
No Trichomonas is seen in the wet preparation indicating that the
vaginal infection is not due to these flagellate parasites.
Abnormal - Positive
Motile Trichomonas is observed in the wet preparation indicating that these parasites are the causative agents of the vaginal infection. The number of motile organisms decreases with time and hence microscopy must be carried out as early as possible after collection.
Sample : vaginal, cervical, urethral swabs, prostatic fluid, urine sediment.
Test Method : Wet mount microscopic examination, pap smear.
Related Tests : cervical vaginal cytology, Genital culture
References :
1. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23605849
2. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3326953/