Test : Sex hormone test
Indications : Menstural problems,fertility problems,pregnancy delayed problems
Physiology : The hormones include estrogen,testosterone ,progesterone.Estrogen stimulates sexual maturity,female sterlity.Progesterone stimulates pregnancy maintenance.Androgen stimulates male fertility and secondary sexual chaarcters
Normal Range : Estrogen-24-149pg/ml, testosterone-300-1200ng/dL, progesterone-menopausal women-150ng/Dl-2000ng/dL, Premenopausal-1500-2000ng/dL
Interpretation : increased levels of estrogen indicate early onset of puberty,male having female characters.low levels of estrogen indicates pregnancy failure.Increased levels of progesterone indicates cancer of ovary and cysts formation in ovary.Decreased levels are found in abortion .Higher levels of testosterone are seen in tumor of testes and encephilitis.decreased levels are seen in genetical disorders like Down and Knilfilter syndrome