Test : Red Cell Mass/ Red Cell Volume
Indications : The test is used to determine red cell mass, support the diagnosis of polycythemia and monitor therapy with anti-neoplastic drugs.
Physiology : The assessment of anemia and polycythemia depend foremost upon a reliable and direct determination of red cell volume. RBC count, Hgb level, and Hct provide only concentration parameters, the measured number or amount relative to the solution in which it exists. In a number of clinical situations the RBC count, Hgb, and Hct will not indicate the actual decrease or increase in circulating red cell mass.
Normal Range : Male: 24-32 mL/kg; Female: 21-27 mL/kg
Interpretation : Decreased red cell volume includes anemia, nutritional, hemolytic, production deficit, acute and/or chronic blood loss, acute blood loss, chronic disease , radiation, starvation, or severe edema Vs Increased red cell volume include Polycythemia vera, Secondary polycythemia, hypoxia, methemoglobinemia, carboxyhemoglobinemia, Erythropoietin producing tumors/cysts, Hereditary over production of erythropoietin, Stress polycythemia, due to decreased plasma volume, as in cases of severe dehydration, burns, fluid and electrolyte abnormalities with Addison’s or Cushing’s diseases.
Click Here To View Intrpretation ValuesRelated Tests : Blood volume, Erythropoietin, Hematocrit, Hemoglobin
methodology is not given here.