Test : Malaria Smear/ Blood smear for malarial parasites/ malarial parasites
Indications : Diagnose malaria, parasitic infestation of blood; evaluate febrile disease of unknown origin.
Physiology : Proper therapy depends upon identification of the specific variety of malaria parasite. Release of trophozoites and RBC debris result in a febrile response. Periodicity of fever correlates with type of malaria. Parasites are most likely to be detected just before onset of fever which is predictable in many cases. Multiple sampling at different times in the fever cycle may prove successful results.
Interpretation : Click Here To View Interpretation ValuesTest Method : Microscopic examination of thick and thin peripheral blood smears stained with Romanovsky dye. Thick smears are more difficult to interpret but greatly increase sensitivity. Thick smears require considerable experience with malaria. Recent techniques: DNA hybridization probes for detection of malarial parasites
Related Tests : Parasite Antibodies, Peripheral Blood/Red blood cell Morphology
doctor recommended me peripheral blood smear test , i dont know what is wrong with me ?
in my blood test all values are normal apart from
RBC = 6.63 (exceeds the normal value)
lymphocytes = 45 (should be less then 40)
what does it mean ?
picture of malaria smear