Microbiology Test

Urine culture

Dr. Nithin Jayan
Medically Reviewed by Dr. Nithin Jayan, MBBS, DNB
Last Updated on May 06, 2014
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Test : Urine culture

Indications : A urine culture is usually ordered when the symptoms of UTI, such as pain and burning sensation on urination, are detected. The test is done for the following reasons -

Detect the cause of UTI
Decide on the treatment method and,
Monitor the effect of treatment for UTI

No preparation is required prior to the test. Inform the doctor about any medication that you may be taking.

Avoid urinating before sample collection. Also, do not drink too much water or take diuretics, as it tends to dilute the urine and the bacteria present in it.

Wash genital area from front to back, thoroughly, with medicated towels or swabs before collecting sample. After the initial flow of urine, collect 60ml of a clean-catch midstream urine sample into a sterile container. Do not allow the sample to be contaminated with any tissue, paper, feces, menstrual blood or fluid. Make sure you wash hands before and after sample collection.

In some cases the urine is collected by inserting a catheter into the bladder through the urethra.

The sample is then transported to the laboratory as quickly as possible and allowed to grow in an appropriate medium.

Physiology : Certain types of bacteria and sometimes yeast enter through the urethra into the urinary tract and causes urinary tract infection (UTI). Urine is stored in the urinary bladder where it is sterile, until it becomes infected by bacteria or yeast. A urine culture helps to detect the cause of UTI.

UTI is more prevalent in females than in males because the female urethra is closer to the anus and, the chances of infection by intestinal bacteria are far greater. Besides in men, there is an antibacterial secretion from the prostate, reducing their chances of infection.

Normal Range : No growth. Significant bacteriuria is usually considered to be 10 5 CFU/mL.

Interpretation : A urine culture test result usually takes about 2-3 days. Fungal cultures take longer

Normal – Negative
No bacterial or fungal growth seen in the culture

Abnormal – Positive
Micro organisms, mostly bacteria or yeast, are seen to have grown in the culture dish indicating UTI or urinary bladder infection.

Sample : Urine

Test Method : Quantitative aerobic culture

Related Tests : Chlamydia trachomatis, Gram stain, Urine fungus culture, Viral culture

References :

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cpjaiswal, India

actual method of putting culture on plate

ramsess, India

culture reports of urine blood and puss pls with model or typical results

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